Use the parliamentary authority that's best for your organization
Use the proper order for conducting business
Make and use a motion(s) to accomplish certain actions
Training can be provided to help members qualify for the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) Registration Exam
Identify your role as a supervisor and manager
Evaluate yourself and team members
Develop yourself and your team
Deal with the challenges of change and diversity
Motivate yourself and your employees
Communicate--verbally, non-verbally, and in writing effectively
Distinguish between leaders and managers
Identify and apply skills required of effective leaders
Deal with diversity in the workplace
Identify and resolve challenges faced by today's leaders.
Identify the skills required of a good communicator
Identify the obstacles to good communication
Identify and practice the styles of communication
Identify your behavioral and communicative style
Read a person's nonverbal body language like a book
Communicate in a direct, not a stealth, manner
Future Program
It's your turn for
PARLIAMENTRY Training & Counselling
Key to order and civility
Advise presidents, members, committees, and the board on matters of parliamentary procedure.
Assist in preparing scripts, other agenda items for business to come before the assembly.
Assist in drafting, interpreting, amending, and revising bylaws.
Given impartial opinions on points of parliamentary procedure.
Seminar Instructor
Becoming an effective manager/supervisor
Running effective meetings
Effective time management
Interpersonal communication skills
How to speak with poise and confidence
Having fun with parliamentary procedures
All courses are tailored to the client's individual needs.
Meeting President
Plan an effective meeting
Conduct a formal/informal meeting
Identify difficult meeting participants and deal with each
Evaluate the effectiveness of your meeting(s)
Parliamentary Opinion
Parliamentarians are often asked to interpret rules that apply to an
organization and provide parliamentary opinions on what the rules mean.
The Parliamentarian
will review the organization’s governing documents (constitution, bylaws, special rules of order, and parliamentary authority), then provide a
responsive opinion.
Keynote Speaker
Maintain composure and control
Overcome fear and nervousness
Make dynamic, powerful, and persuasive presentations
Deliver a professional delivery style
Bond with your audience
Future Program
Courses can be developed for better leadership, management, communication, and parliamentary procedure based on individual needs.